How fandom and reactionary roleplay are taking over what political identity once was. May it be the
rise of military Waifuism, trad-cath communities praying Hail Mary on the internet, or anemic sugar
dolls wearing a light pink lace shirt saying ‘Is it me you’re looking for?’ – Questionable fandom and
post-identity Roleplays alluding to utterly reactionary views are taking over the originally progressive
corners of the internet at a fast pace. What social segment is this trend emerging from and where is it
to be politically located, if at all?
There has been a notable growth and fragmentation of post-identity roleplay distilled in mainly
online character builds appearing as anonymous instagram accounts, TikTok LARPs, or as
conservative representatives on 4chan. These roleplays impersonate and hyper-aesthetisize a variety
of different reactionary and often highly incoherent views in the realm of militarism, religion, gender
& sexuality, or technology. Whilst the cycled trending and revival of past ideologies is not necessarily
a new phenomena, what is, instead, is that these adapted reactionary personas are often lived by
initially progressively thinking, often academic leftist communities. It seems that this social segment,
accelerated by the internet, is shifting towards a post-moral dystopian LARP, as a response to the
political fever dream of neo-liberalism and its alleged gospel truth. On a global level, the past half
decade has proven more than ever before, that you will have your progressive hopes broken in
disillusion no matter what actuality based political movement you put your faith in, hence allegations
like ‘’It has become easier to trust Haylujan rather than Joe Biden’’ gain validity on myriads of levels.
Trending intersectional approaches, even the most progress alluding identity politics will misfire in
poptimistic symbolism and most likely stagnate in reductionist representation policies.
The apolitical stasis emerging out of the xenofeminist ethos
Xenofeminism, as a form of Left-Accelerationism, rejects these currently trending safety-pin politics.
It is a critique to the “privilege”-based identity politics, that are largely fed to the moderate left as an easily acknowledgeable and undoubtedly sacred concept. Xenofeminism states that traditional
means of Left praxis are ineffectual against the ascendant superstructure we live under. It is a
demand to resituate Left “critical theory”-based politics into a consequential and technological
framework. This demand, however, is not pursued into theory and neither into political aspiration.
Instead, the online xenofeminist ethos leaves politics as a whole behind and distills itself into
hyper-aesthetisized post-identity roleplay. It is a movement that steps out of the political sphere at
the momentum of the xenofeminist disillusion, in order to substitute what political identity once was
with something that equals post-moral performativity. It suggests a reawakening of regressive
political specters that were believed to be defeated or at the very least thought to be suppressed
into the complete antilore of what we understand as a progressive left. The iconoclastic and
black-pilled internet humor accelerates the headless appropriation of really any fashionable ideology
or belief system, no matter how heretic or originally right wing it might be.Any fashionable ideology
can be fetishized and worn in a self-serving manner, without having to pursue any further purpose
other than the evangelized beauty of its mere existence. This political complacency goes along with
what Kanye West says when he is comparing political belief to fashion, suggesting both are non
imperative commodities, it doesn’t really matter which you appropriate. Perhaps this personal
indifference towards historical realities and the loss of eagerness to better the world is a simple
mirroring of urgencies being recklessly driven into oblivion on a superstructural level.
Evangelized Roleplay as a surrogate for (political) identity
It has become easier to adopt a post-truth information economy rather than to maintain faith in
traditional political authorities. Reactionary Roleplayers have come to terms with politics just not
being something for them. In fact, post-moral performativity actually neither seeks to explain nor to
unite the world. Post-Identity Roleplay isn’t trying to make sense of the worsening conditions of our
reality, it isn’t trying to encompass any truths, it is neither about policy nor about micro-conspiracy –
though it is often perceived that way. Post-identity Roleplay is not about understanding the past nor
is it about predicting the future.
"Nothing should ever be so big to include everyone. You can be a human, or a person, or a gendered
body, but you shouldn’t try to unite the world.’’ LA WARMAN
Post-identity roleplay is about morally-detached fantasies of the self, about erratically adapted
storylines and self portraits. It’s about an iconoclastic yet utterly peaceful and non consequential
detachment of policies and moral. It’s about knowing every small detail of a certain lore, that
revolves around itself, living it out in fully transcribed accuracy, then surrendering that ego in order
to delve into the next self. It’s about mastering new Lores and fluid character builds, it’s about the
solace and beauty you find when you encounter another soul on the interwebs that came to the
same post-historical distillates, to the same aesthetic conclusions as you have in a certain
momentum. It is often seen as a provocative performativity claiming to not be consequentially any
different from promoting popularly progressive ideas. Often evangelized roleplay will be accused of
just being the next form of cynicism, or it is reduced to being extended fashion – while both aspects
are somehow part of the phenomena, there is value to it that reaches way beyond. Hyper specific
imagery realms around your potential persona give birth to a feeling of purpose and
interconnectivity that has long been defeated by traditional identity systems and politics.
I can be… Hail Mary military waifu sugar doll ascendant bimbo horse girl angelic brangelina
yandere CCFL Breatharianism and there is nothing you can do about it..."
The nuance between Roleplay and the ascendant nu-right
The frantic dispersion and fragmentation of both roleplay and nu-right movements online has made
it increasingly difficult to tell the two apart and keep up with their fast changing progressions and
alterations. The main and maybe obvious difference between the two lies within the depth of
organizational structures, mobilization and recruitment strategy. There is no propagandist trajectory
in post-identity roleplay, whilst for instance, the military-funded warfare lead by the US Army utilizing
kawaii anime lores and seducing e-girls, is indeed a propagandist measure taken, leading to the
figuring and build of new nationalist and nu-right movements. Maybe to ask for the substantive
difference between ‘actual’ and ‘seeming’ right is the wrong question to ask, when the more relevant
inquiry would be the one examining which types of reactionary content are the most efficient PSYOP,
regardless if it is a willfully set PSYOP or not, regardless whether there is a governmental initiative
behind it or not.