| dereyni + halo | before the angels | gothic pastoral iii

three cyphers appeared in a spring that was nearly forgotten
near the factories by the edge of the city, we searched for precious stones
for a moment we thought about eternity, but it soon took flight

to hover over an abyss like the dark eye of insomnia
to know the lowest nature’s peaceful song
we pulled from the sky the blue that is darkness
snared by the sun and sky, like violets, like clay

two angels, four pages, three clones,
one canonical account, a hundred shattered pages,
a blazing vigil between us, the setting of vanished suns


Вода как эмоции , продолжает свой ритм
Чувство уединения ,здесь пусто вокруг
Один Я и стихии планеты ,рождают на миг - зацикленный круг
Идя по просторам в объятьях дождя
Не существует времени ,только мысли и я
Я чувствую ветер ,что мчит в никуда
И Ангел за мной , чей дом в Небесах
Укажет мне путь , уничтожив мой страх.


Water, emotion like, continues its rhythm
The feeling of solitude, it’s empty around here
Only me and the elements of the planet, they give birth to a looped circle, only for a moment
Walking through the open spaces in the arms of the rain
There is no time, only thoughts and I
I feel the wind that rushes to nowhere
An angel behind me whose home’s in the skies
Will show me the way, destroying my fear

before the angels: dereyni + halo
for gothic pastoral iii
